Saturday, March 3, 2007

Hello and welcome to my brand new website!

The reason for the hoopla? My very first book is being published in July 2007 and I am hugely excited about it. This is more than a single dream come true for me - it’s a whole lifetime of dreams. The mere idea that my book will soon be in the hands of readers to whom I am not related (!), on the shelves of bookstores (!!), in the “P” section of the library (!!!) is overwhelming and thrilling and fantastic and…and…

…I hope you like it.

Now, I haven’t figured out the theme of my blog yet. Anyone got any ideas?

Yes, you in the back row. The one with both hands raised.

Nuclear physics? No, no. That’s not really my area of expertise. Anyone else?

I love reading the blogs of my favorite authors but they all seem to be way smarter and funnier than me. They tell great stories about their lives or they write clever things about popular culture. They insert all sorts of cool pictures that you could never find in a million years but are the most perfect accents to their posts and their words just trip off their keyboards like they’re in the room with you, chatting over a cup of delicious coffee and some warm chocolate chip cookies they whipped up on the spur of the moment - they didn’t even know you were coming - and they didn’t use a mix or anything, but they happen to be the most amazing cookies ever and could probably win baking contests.


So our goal is to be spontaneous and charming and witty. You’ll help me, won’t you? Think on that and get back to me. No pressure, no essay-writing but there may be a multiple-choice quiz.

In the meantime, I will tell you a bit about the process of writing LOVE, MEG, and getting it published.

And please check out the website and let me know what you think. There will be loads more fun stuff on it in coming weeks. Maybe even a recipe or two.

Your Hollywood connection,
