Always a tricky thing to do...
So we're here and we're excited and we're very very tired but we're here and we're excited!
On Saturday at 11AM, I have my SECOND reading of ALL TIME at The Alphabet Garden in Cheshire, CT where the folks live and where I went to high school.
(Gotta say...I think I've been in LA too long. I heard it might rain on Saturday and I freaked out! OMG - rain! What will we do? Where will we go?
Oh wait...let me get into proper LA mode...
Like, ohmygod, rain! Like, what will we do? Where will we like, go?)
I am hugely thrilled to be there. The store has the display with all my books and some signs in the window and we'll have refreshments and there's an actual plan if it rains and and and -
Hey - I'm in the paper! There's an article about me in the Cheshire Herald on page 6, how awesome is that? And you might say, well, page 6 isn't so fantastic, what are you going on about, Leigh, but let me tell you, it's an excellent place to be especially considering the recent turn of events in town. Shannon Becker from the Herald staff called me last week and then filed it for this week's edition and seriously, I could not be happier! And there's a picture and everything. Check it out on-line! Yay! Thanks, Shannon!
So we're here and we're excited and we're still very very tired...
...but we're here and we're like, excited. :)
Your Cheshire connection,