Thursday, July 17, 2008

TV? Today? TV! Today!

Yes, today is the day I am on "Connie Martinson Talks Books"! And I'm very very excited. If you're in the LA area, it's on Channel 35 at 3 and 11:30PM (it also streams live at those times). Other markets have the show on different days and times so it's best to check your local listings or simply watch it on the computer if you can. Go to my website to this page for more info.

I am actually rescheduling a dentist appointment so I can watch it on my computer, since I don't have cable. Of course, I would probably use just about any excuse to reschedule a dentist appointment. [shudder]

Here is a photo of me with Connie...for some reason, the flash didn't go off so this is all I got.

Just go ahead and watch the show instead so you can see the great dress I'm wearing (and my hair didn't look too bad either!). Oh and here's one more photo for you: me on the set, so you can see the great shoes I have on! Love these espadrilles!